a logo for play a $ 1499


▫️Mood board

▫️Concept (1 Revision incl.)

▫️Floor Plan

▫️3D Rendering (2 views)

▫️Order Processing

▫️30 Minute Installation Call

*For rooms up to 500 sq ft.

Suggested Starting Budget $5000

pkg b logo with a chair and a lamp


▫️Mood board

▫️Concept (1 Revision incl.)

▫️Floor Plan

▫️3D Rendering (1 view)

▫️Product List with Links

*For rooms up to 250 sq ft.

Suggested Starting Budget $2500

a clock with the words 500 hour blocks

▫️5 Designer Hours

▫️Use as needed throughout project

▫️Can be added to any package

a design concept logo with a light bulb

▫️Virtual consultation

▫️Floor plan with furniture dimensions (not product specific)

▫️Mood board for style direction

*No links

a logo with the words $149 virtual consultant

▫️60 Min Virtual consultation

▫️Write-up of recommendations

a question mark in a circle on a white background